I have to share this video of Kynlie in the bath the other night. I just love bath time right now. She's so fun to watch play. She loves to kick her feet and splash around (as you can see)
The picture of Kynlie is from my phone. Saturday I laid her down for a nap in her bed. YES HER BED...GO ME! Anyways, I laid her up and down the way you're suppose to and as you can tell this is how I found her sound asleep. Head stuck down in the mattress, snoring away, with her pacci in between her legs.
How babies manage to get in these positions, I don't know. Also, you can't really tell in this picture (I should have taken a better one) but that morning she woke up kind of early so daddy was VERY sweet to get up with her and let me sleep. Well, he was also thoughtful enough (or just thought to) get her dressed out of her sleeper. He put her onsie on backward!! It's solid pink with no print so he couldn't tell, but if you look really really close you can see how high the buttons are on her hinny. I asked if he thought it was difficult getting them snapped and he said no. At least he got her dressed! You got to love dads!
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