It's Thursday and that mean tomorrow if Friday!!! And it's only a half a day at work for me. We have Kynlie's 18 month check up. 1 and 1/2 years old!! Hard to believe she's growing so fast. I love it though.

I'm so glad the weather is changing. This means more time out-side. Kynlie loves to be out-side and run around. The time changes Sunday. Spring Forward! We'll loose that hour of sleep, but it's alright, we'll get more day light.

Kynlie has so many out-side riding toys she got for Christmas that she hasn't really been able to play with. The other day when we got home, we played out-side for a little while with her car. I think she pushed it more than "drove" it.

Priceless! It's like "what? I wasn't speeding!" It's so funny, lately for some reason, she'll open her gas cap on her car and close it with her "milk gut" aka belly. Don't know why, but it's too cute! She hasn't quite got the concept of using her feet to move around.

I think the weather is suppose to be so pretty this weekend. Maybe in the 70's! I sure hope so. I'm about tired of the rain.

Already TWD (texting while driving) Oh dear! I'm hoping by the time she's driving, it will be completely against the law and no one will be doing it. Although I do not have much room to talk. I'm just as much guilty for doing it as most teens. Sad to say :(

She feel at one point while playing in her car. So I ran over and helped her up and dusted her off and she got back to playing. I look over and she had fallen again, so I run back over and help her. Then I noticed she was doing it on purpose and then would look over at me and say "uh oh" and want me to come help her. This went on for a good five minutes at least. She's a mess. A mess I just love to pieces.
These next pictures are from my grandparents house this past weekend on my moms birthday.
This beautiful chair (insert sarcasm) was made by my uncle Tommy, my dads brother, for my grandparents. We (I) call it the redneck chair. My parents and a friend of theirs has one too. I couldn't resist puttin Kyn up there for a photo shoot. She loved it!

Two of my most favorite people in the whole wide world. I love you mom!!!!!

You are an amazing Memaw to your granddaughters!! Don't know what I'd do with out you

This face makes my heart skip a beat. I'm more in love with this child than I ever thought in my life I could love. Who knew being a mom would be the most rewarding gift from God.

Ok enough with the sappy stuff HA! Time for more cute pictures of Kyn. I'm enjoying my new toy if you can tell.

This is Jessy, my grandparents dog. Kynlie LOVED him!

She loves her Pappy

This is my step grandma, my dads step mom Janie. One of the sweetest ladies ever. I love her so much.

Most of you know that Kynlie is just an angel. She's a pleasure to be around. She's always in a good mood. She's act just fine in public. She eats well for the most part. She plays well. She's perfect for Heather. She doesn't talk back (yet). But sometimes she can be a toot. So this is what we do if she's bad...

I do hope you all know I'm kidding!! HA! Saturday while at my grandparents, Kynlie sure was being quiet and I look over and this is what I saw. She put her self in the dog cage and shut the door. She was having a blast! Play with Jessy's toys and sitting on a soft cushion. We all just about peed our pants with laughter.
This child will brighten up any day. Thank you God for her!!