Kynlie had her first Christmas and I think it went very well. She received lots of things. Toy, Clothes, Books, etc... We spent Christmas Eve with Brad's parents and sister and her family and had a great time. Christmas morning we waited for Kynlie to wake up and we took her in the living room for her to see what Santa had brought her. A Rocking Horse that plays lots of different music, movies, hair bows, etc... and from momma and daddy she got a lot of clothes. Then we got dressed and went to Brad's aunt and uncles for Christmas lunch and she got money and a wal-mart gift card. Then we headed over to Memaw's and Pappy's for Christmas dinner. There she got clothes, toys (again), more movies, shoes, etc... That was a great time, spending with the family. I got some great pictures I need to have developed. (I haven't figured out how to put them on the computer with my camera yet)
New years was fun too, we took her with us to a friends house for an hours or so, then we went to Nanna and Papa's to watch the fire works and visit with Great Grandma and the aunts. We were home before the new year....which was ok with me. We got home and turned the TV on channel 8 and watched it turn 12:00 am 2009, gave each other a new years kiss, and then gave Kynlie her new years kiss and we went off to sleep. We spent new years day in the house wrapped up in blankets and cuddled most of the day and watched movies....a perfect day!!
Kynlie is 4 months old today!!!!! So hard to believe it's flying by so fast. I'm loving every minute of. We can't get enough of her. She's amazing and I wish I could spend every hour of the day with her. We're taking her to get her 4 month shots and her check up on Friday. I can't wait to see what she weighs. She's really changing. She love the sound of her own voice and I love it too. I laugh so hard a listening to her make her noises. She can roll over from her back to her stomach in a matter of a second and then lays there with her head up looking around and making all different kinds of noises. She's now starting to reach out for toys or what ever is in front of her. Some times she's able to grab it and other she can't. Also Brad and I have notice when someone else is holding her and I'm in the room or sitting near by she looks at me and sometimes she'll even whine for me. I love it!
These pictures are from New years and one of her and Bailee her cousin on Christmas day. (more to come)

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