This past weekend was our towns 43rd National Polka Fest. Everyone in our town plus some gather Friday, Saturday, & Sunday to Celebrate Polka Fest. It starts off Friday night at one of the halls with a dance and they crown a Polka King and Polka Queen. Saturday everyone gets up really early and heads down town for the Parade! I'm telling you...100s gather for this parade. It's a lot of fun! After the parade everyone and their dog (literally) walk around and check out all the cool booths set up and eat some of the best food ever!! Most people will spend the day down town just walking around, eating, drinking, visiting, or head over to one of the halls to eat. That night all three halls have some kind of band playing and this is what the town normally does Polka Fest night. Sunday, it starts all over again (without the parade), but the booths, food, and music is still there. It truly is a lot of fun.
Our Polk Weekend
We started out Friday night at my best friends parents house, Gary and Kelley. We just hung around by the pool while the guys played a little horseshoes. We didn't stay too long, we knew we had to be up early to get ready for the parade.
We got Kynlie all dressed up in her first Polka out fit. She was a Polka Princess. Thanks Pam! Then we headed down town for the parade (which was delayed about an hour due to a train). Kynlie was in such a great mood that morning and loved looking at all the people and being outside. It was a little hot, but we managed. She then feel a sleep while we were waiting for the parade to start, but then woke up soon after it did, because of one of the floats had a very load band. But she woke up in a good mood and finished watching the parade.

After that, me, Brad, Kynlie, and my parents headed over to the KJT (a hall) for some awesome lunch. The traditional Czech food and listen to one of the Czech bands play. It was great!
Then we went home real fast to feed Kynlie and she ended up taking a nap (so did mommy) for about 1 hour.
After the well needed nap, we headed over to Gary and Kelley's again to go swimming. Kynlie's first time to swim!! She LOVED it! (after getting us to the cold water). We stayed there for a good while, just hanging out and relaxing.

That night Brad, Kynlie and I decided to go home and rest. We didn't feel like going out and fighting the crowed again. Nor did I want to get a babysitter...I'd rather spend my night with my baby girl and hubby!
Brad, Kynlie and I finally got to walk around down town and see all the neat booths that were set up. Of course I bought some great things (mostly all for Kynlie) and we enjoyed the warm weather (after it quit raining). Then we went home just to enjoy each others company and sit outside, in our beautiful Texas weather!
Kynlie's onsie speaks the truth... "Drama Queen"
MY DAY OFF, we went to my parents house and cooked out with them. We brought Kynlie's swing so she would have something to do and so we could all just sit back and relax again in our beautiful Texas weather. Then it was back home to get ready for the work week to start up again.
All in all, I think Kynlie had a great first Polka Fest!! Momma and Daddy sure did!!