Wow, shame on me for not blogging since...January! Really? I love the blog world and I'm so thankful I have this outlet to document my families life, especially for my family and friends that are not local or don't have social meta. Speaking of, thank goodness for Facebook & Instagram where I can quickly post pictures.
I have a ton of pictures I could post since January but I won' might take me all week.
Here's what's been happening lately in the Kubin family...
We spend a lot of time at church!! One of my favorite places to be!! I love our church, our pastor, our church family, our Sunday school, choir, children's choir, my ladies bible study, etc, etc...

Practicing for our Sunday evening worship. (Sadly we no longer have a "band" at the moment) Kynlie was taking selfies!

We have started a children's choir and I'm so blessed to be apart of it! I love music and I love to worship, so being able to teach these wonderful kids to worship though song, makes my heart happy!

We had a kite flying & banana pudding night one Sunday! So much fun!!

I love this sweet girl!!

Palm Sunday we had wonderful service acting out the crucifixion of Jesus. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

This was Easter Sunday as "Jesus" came out of the tomb.

Our wonderful children's choir singing on Easter.

Some Kooper love! This boy is something else!! Funny, love able, a little fussy at times, wild, all boy! He's a little over 2 & 1/2 yrs. things he loves, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, his pawpaw, swords, his sissy, playing outside, chicken nuggets, wearing his cowboy boots, & so much more! He wears 2t, size 6 shoe & not potty all. That's a whole other post.

Kynlie love!! She's 5 & 1/2. She's finishing up Pre K. I can't believe she starts kinder in 4 months. She's growing up way too fast! She wears size 5-6 and size 12 shoe. She's into everything frozen, make up, nails, dresses, skirts, singing, she's playing t-ball again, & still in gymnastics. She's been bumped up from tots to level 1! I'm so proud of her. She loves to "read" (she tries so hard!!), color, & draw. She loves going to church and I love how she really pays attention and asks questions.

My honey and I! We haven't had as many date nights as we would like but that's ok, we are spending time as a family and saving money. But we still manage to make time for each other. I love this man!!

Ok maybe I've posted enough. I'm going to do a better job at posting...for me & my family.
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